Friday, December 2, 2011


I was lucky enough to have my friend Robbie come & visit me in Italy! It was so nice to see a familiar face after being abroad for two and a half months. He was here for ten days and we got a lot of traveling in during his visit. Our first stop was Venice, which was crazy & fun all at the same time. 

We arrived in Venice around 11 pm, and immediately after stepping out of the train station I was in awe of the water-filled streets. I was expecting to see this, obviously I knew the streets were all water, I had seen pictures... but it really is so amazing to see in person. I loved it from the very beginning. From there, our night went a bit south, with struggling to find the Bed & Breakfast we were staying in, to having to knock for thirty minutes on the door of the B&B, which made me so nervous I started crying, but ending in the manager hearing us and finally letting us into our room. Let's say that was definitely an adventure and something I will never forget. 

We had two days in Venice and the first day was amazing. It was supposed to rain, but lucky for us it was just cloudy all day, so we explored Venice and some of the surrounding islands, Murano & Burano. 


We went to Burano were all the blown glass is made. There were so many shops & so much glass, I bought a lot of gifts there :)

And Burano was really cool as well. It is the "fisherman's Island" and all of the buildings are painted a different color so the fishermen can tell from the sea which house is there's. Everything was so different, I loved it. 

Although I LOVE Venice.. there are 3 bad things about the flooded city:

1) The food is not good. Compared to the rest of Italy.. it's actually really terrible.
2) Because of all the tourists.. it's really expensive. 
3) It's cold & rainy all the time!! Sadly on our second day we ended up leaving the city a few hours early because it was raining so hard, and there was really nothing for us to do. It was so bad that most all of the piazas were flooded (clearly this happens often because they have walkways they bring in to move people around over the water)

I really liked Venice despite the rain. It was definitely a must-see for me in Italy & I'm glad i got to experience it with Robbie. 

Ciao, Erica

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