Friday, September 30, 2011

The Statue of David

Today I went to the Academia Museum where the original statue of David is held. I say 'original' because there are so many replicas scattered around Florence, but today, I saw the actual thing. And it was pretty cool :)

We had the same tour guide that we had for our first day here in Florence, Bernie. The same tour guide who showed the Jersey Shore cast around when they were here. He is seriously awesome. We talked and looked at the David for like 45 minutes and not once was I bored. He is so interesting and knowledgeable. I tried to remember everything he told us about the statue, but there was so much information, and unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures inside the museum (even though I'm sure you all know what David looks like) :) 
Here is what I do remember from what Bernie told me..
  • It took 23 months for Michelangelo to make the statue of David.  
  • It was completed in 1504
  • Michelangelo was 26 years old
  • The statue replicates the pose that David had before he fought Goliath 
  • The statue used to be on display outside in Piazza della Signoria until 1873, when it was moved into the Academia Museum. 
  • It was moved for safety reasons:
1. Teenagers in the 1800s would try to grafitti it (aka, carve their name and initials into it)
2. There were wars going on in Europe and someone accidently shot Davids big toe on his left foot
3. Also during war, someone through a bench off the top of the building directly behind David and it landed on David's left shoulder, which created a long, black crack from his shoulder to his elbow.
4. The statue was STRUCK BY LIGHTENING. There is now a rather large crack that goes done the David's back

  • Once inside everyone assumed the statue was safe! But sadly in 1991.. A crazy man climbed over the glass wall that protects David and started banging his left foot with a hammer. Now his toes are a bit messed up on foot. This man was an artist and said that his artwork was better than Michelangelo's and thought if he destroyed the statue that the museum would feature his art. Needless to say the man served two years in prison and is now lives in a mental institute. Although he can leave the institute so all the museums in Italy have a picture of him on file so he won't come in. The man is now 54 years old.
  • Michelangelo was given the task to make David by the Catholic church, once finished the church was very confused by the fact that David was naked and was never put inside of any church because it was too racy.
  • Michelangelo was not the first artist given this task, he was actually the third. All the other artists turned the work down because the marble was dirty. 
  • Michelangelo was very cocky when given the task and said that it would be the best masterpiece the world had ever seen (he was very arrogant to say the least).

I know there is a ton more that I was told but I can't remember it all now. I really should have been taking notes :)
The tour was wonderful & afterward I had a cooking class! Pictures soon to come :)

Ciao, Erica

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